D.B. Group broadens its presence in China with a new opening in Beijing | DB Group

D.B. Group broadens its presence in China with a new opening in Beijing

13 November 2017

D.B. Group announces a new Sales Representative office in Beijing, supervised by Mr. Pan Hua.

Located in northern China, with more than 25 Mln of people, Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China: a commercial and cultural centre, where central government is located.

Our goals: to deliver a better service for existing customers in Beijing area and to enlarge our sales force in the whole North China. In 2016 high-end products, furniture, fashion and food internal demand in China increased by + 16,9%. 2020 trend is expected +3%.

Train service is faster developing and we are planning to extend our line for inbound shipment from Italy also.

Welcome on board!


E dbgroup.beijing@dbgroup.net

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